2024 was the year of answered prayers for me, so here’s a recap so I share my gratitude and recap.
A Love Letter to the Partners of my Girls
A love letter to the partners of my girls I have never been shy to be dramatic, corny, or write...
30 Things I learned by 30
Thirty tidbits of lessons I’ve learned by age 30. You might not agree, and if you don’t please tell me. I have more to learn.
Along Came A Confessional: 30, flirty, & surviving.
As one of my confessional blogs, I always start by saying I’M GOING TO OVERSHARE IN THIS POST....
Along Came A Confessional: The Roaring 20s
These Confessionals are articles that dive deeper into my mind. Think of them as digital diary entries. Today’s topic: reflecting on my 20s
Along Came a Confessional: Fire and Rain
These Confessionals are articles that dive deeper into my mind. Think of them as digital diary entries. Today’s topic: your dark days.